
Ultra-sound #1

Ultra-sound #1
It told us that I was five months along.
Because I wasn't sure for sure of my dates.
No problems they said, just to gain some weight.
I got a picture of alot of nothing -
they say it's a baby.
So I have the baby's first picture,
and I sleep with it under my pillow
to help convince myself I was pregnant.

Ultra-sound #2
To confirm the baby was breech.
If so, they'll try to turn it around. Huh? !!
I felt sick -
how in the world do they turn babies around!?
It hurts just to be bumped into -
how do they turn babies around??


Hydro - what? Hi-dro-sef-a-lus?
Have to have a C-section?...
oh good, I think that means
they won't have to turn it around...
I kept thinking of cows...

read any James Herriot?

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