
20+ Years After

20 Years After Jacob Died

I still do not believe in God
or heaven, but I do believe in Hell.

I do understand that suffering is relative –
Having survived the loss of a child –
I know that I can make it through anything.
Saying "This traffic jam is gonna kill me"
or "I'm so tired I could just die"
are stupid statements in my life -
suffering is relative now.

I’m not on some higher plain of understanding
because I’ve survived the loss of a child.

I read something just today
that tells me what I've learned so hard...

"Neither philosophy nor faith can heal the heart after the death of a child. Only time, and only because time passes and we forget." (Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior)

I seem okay about it only because
I’ve forgotten what Hell was like.

And I suppose I have God to thank for that…

ee? Some inconsistencies
and ironies still exist in my life.

Thank you for reading.



Anonymous said...

Wow! Your story is so painful. You are very strong though. And your a great mother. Only a great mother can love her child so deaply that it will always hurt. Don't ever think your a bad mom.

Mary said...

Just finished reading all of this. There isn't a single thing I can think of to say that won't sound corny or trite, especially 23 years after the fact, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to read it - thankyou.

Indigo Nyx said...

I spent an entire night reading every single post of urs. I must say it takes a strong woman to live d life u have lived. I salute u. and i know it isnt a consolation knowin i share ur pain. I am choking. God Bless !

Lisa said...

I just finished reading all of your entries. My loss wasn't the same as yours, but so much of what you write resonates within me. I lost Jeremy at 5 months of pregnancy due to severe preeclampsia. I was far enough along to have a burial and it was the most painful thing I've ever had to do. I know you have healed as much as one can at this point in your life, but I want to thank you for sharing Jacob's story with everyone.