


Sometimes I hate to come in
and other times I can't wait.
Sometimes I hate you,
and other times I love you,
but most of the time
you're 'just' the counselor.

Sometimes I think
you should pick me up
and slam me against the wall
to knock some sense
into my stubborn head.
My continuing need
for you scares me,
so I make rebellious stabs
at quitting; but don't let me, not yet.

Sometimes I wonder
what is wrong with me,
then I wonder
if something is wrong with you -
you don't seem to want me.
You keep telling me
how it's supposed to be,
but I wasn't trained up that way.
I try so hard
not to feel ugly and rejected,
so we can work on other stuff.

Other times I think
you should just take me
into your bed
to restore my confidence,
teach me about trust,
and tell me that nice guys do exist.
and last but certainly not least -
make a baby in the process.
Then I would be all fixed up...
I would be sneaky that way.

My baby is still dead
and I am still afraid of many things.
What have we accomplished
in building a fear of life without weekly appointments?'

You know you're in serious trouble
when you go to counseling 3 times a week!

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