
Please get him warm...

Please Get Him Warm

I told someone
how anxious I was
to get him cremated.
The delay was making me crazy -
his body was so cold,
and babies are meant to be warm.

He said Jacob wasn't really 'there',
anymore, so couldn't feel the cold.

Oh, but he was there.

Mom's are born to care
for baby bodies, dress them,
undress them according to the weather,
change diapers, feed them,
position them, bath them,
keep them comfortable,
hold them, hold them, hold them.

And he was so cold.
I knew cremation
would be the only way
to warm him up again.

His father refused to sign the release papers for the funeral home for 8 days. Finally, I told the funeral director about the kind of father he had been, that he hadn't been there for Jacob's life, so why did he have to be the one to "finalize his death"? After 8 days, they finally released him with my signature only..

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